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FHS Learning Commons

Page history last edited by Kathleen Porter 10 years, 5 months ago Saved with comment

Welcome to the Foxborough High School Virtual Learning Commons[1],

also known as the library wiki[2], where members of our learning community can find information, collaborate, share news and create new knowledge.


Electronic Resources (eBooks, etc.) via the wiki

or through our Foxborough High School website


Formatting, Style, and Citations Help Page



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For parents   For teachers: Professional Resources
    FHS Library Media Center
Learning Sites and Portals   Foxboro Cable Access
FHS Athletics Calendars    



This site is open 24/7.

The physical Media Center is open school days on:

Monday to Thursday: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Friday: 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM

with professional teachers available for math and English tutoring.


Dedicated to Vincent M. Igo, 1922-2006

"... the goal for Vin ... was to empower each and every individual student that they might take charge of the rest of their life and live it abundantly."

Town Historian - Jack Authelet




  1. "The Virtual Learning Commons replaces the library web page which has always been a one-way form of communication between librarians and their patrons. The Virtual Learning Commons aims to create a giant school-wide conversation where students, classroom teachers, teacher librarians, teacher technologists, administrators, other school specialists, and parents are creating and constructing a giant information space, work space, and museum." - Loertscher, David V. (San Jose State University) "The Virtual Learning Commons «." School Libraries. 6 June 2009. Web. 05 May 2010. .
  2. "A wiki ( /ˈwɪki/ WIK-ee) is a website that allows the easy[1] creation and editing of any number of interlinked web pages via a web browser using a simplified markup language or a WYSIWYG text editor." - Wikipedia contributors. "Wiki." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 30 Apr. 2010. Web. 5 May 2010.

Comments (2)

Kathleen Porter said

at 7:01 pm on Mar 25, 2010

Would you like to help improve our wiki layout or organization? All community members are welcome. As Charles Mingus said, "Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that’s creativity."

diagatta said

at 2:14 am on May 10, 2010

Electronic media puts the world at your fingertips but if you do not have good scanning techniques and an easy way to make sure the the information is valid then and you will be easily frustrated. Remember, some experts claim up to 65% of information on the Internet is either misleading or invalid. The key word is "discernment"!

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